How to Approach a New Programming Project

Set and understand your goal. This is probably the most important part of any project. Understanding the scope of your work and outcome will give you a better idea of how long a project will take and will help you break your project into smaller digestible tasks

Make a list of tasks and features for your project. Don’t skip this step even though it may seem daunting and time-consuming. Having a full view of everything you’ll have to do will help you complete your entire project and will give you insight to any potential task dependencies

  • Kanban board
  • Sticky notes
  • Excel doc
  • Bulleted list

Use diagrams whenever possible. Sketching things out will help you see the end goal as clearly as possible. This method doesn’t have to be use for purely visual based projects such as apps and websites,, this will work for backend work, APIs creations and/or even databases.

Get started. Once you outline your tasks a can see what it will take to complete your project, start coding/designing. Tackle those tasks one by one until you can mark your project as complete